Thursday, September 8, 2011

Geez.. haters on SD

Hi there!
It's Emm,

I am super sick of seeing people get bullied on stardoll!

So recently, I was searching up my friend (and also a writer/graphics here)LeiVien06 and on the results, Lei came up... but so did a girl named: ihateLeiVien06

Here is a pic of her GB and it shows that people care:

I was looking at her album, sceneries, and suite. She hasn't even done anything.

I mean what she did is low. But if you're not going to keep it up, there's no real point to it. So what? Was she trying to make Lei feel bad? Guess what, Lei KNOWS she has good friends that stick up for her, proving by the comments on her GB... that hater knows nothing.

Lizz and Lei have said before that haters make us stronger. It's true. Never let these things get to you. Because that's exactly what they want.

Fame, Fashion and Friends,



Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks Emm! That was really sweet of you! And yes, I was aware about that. :]

Kelly said...

That was really sweet of you, Em. And yeah Lei, always know you have us behind you, always. We will always stick up for you, if you need it. Guess what haters? You're just making us stronger. I know Lei personally, and she is a great person.

x-Rainbowz said...

and whos gonna stick up for me? as you can clearly see im being accused of making that account and none of you give a damn >____<"

Lizz said...

Okay, Greta, What the hell is going on? HOW are we acusing you? I didn't even THINK OF YOU! I thought of other blogs who I commented on when they copied my pics! Nobody thinks it's you!!!

Lizz said...

Nevermind. Sorry. Okay. Yup. Alrighty then. Bye. Lol. From. Lizz.