Thursday, June 30, 2011

New newsletter / Megastar membership / Exchange day returns

Hey.. som'more news...

Some cool stuff der' yeah?

I want that membership SOOO bad... it's SUCH a good deal!

Exchange day:



Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A blog bad mouthing us

Hey guys. This is Emm AND Lizz doing a post together... since we're at a sleepover.. We're a little upset here..
I (Lizz) used to be a writer for this blog called... and well, it became un-active and they were not treating me right.. they didn't put my medoll in the banner.. (Btw i'm working on getting Greta's medoll [x-Rainbowz] in our banner..) they had ugly photos of me on it and I was fed up! Nobody stopped it or did ANYTHING ... and that's COMPLETELY not like ELSDG.. we make you feel welcome... So anyways.. I didn't post for a while and well.. neither did anybody sooo the owner found out that me and Emm made our own blog and she starts bad mouthing us.. Have a look:

I (Emm) swear I am super ticked.. I mean she totally posted that after she posted something to everyone of her crew,,, including Lizz, which surprised me a little considering how she treated her..
And she even KNEW about our blog and totally apologized for not being active... but now,, as you can see, she doesn't seem so forgiving right now. Jeez. And just a thought, what if we actually just called our blog or like a different variation.. and it's not like she
copyrighed it or anything, the name was just out there. I didn't even apply to be part of that blog after the way she cheated Lizz out of fairness like that. Cool. Bad mouth us. I don't care anymore. Now that everyone knows OUR side of things. Man, we wouldn't even have to be posting this right now if somebody didn't over react. Sorry to people who are on their side and took offence to what we're posting but we thought if SHE gets to express her opinions on a daily basis,, we should get to at least ONCE.

Here are som'mor photos...

See? Look she even took me off the banner thing... and if you don't believe us then go check out the blog yourself..
You know what Leira? I QUIT. I'm fed up with this crap. If you have any opinions except SDGURU please comment on EITHER BLOG. I would love to see this....

Like really? You apoligize 1 post before.. and then like 5 hours later you're mad again? Humm...

Lizz and Emm

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm seriously tired of it...

OK, so we all know that the Superstars on Stardoll get pretty much the best of the best, correct? Well, this may just sound like complaining, but it's MY opinion soooo yea. I'm tired of all the promotions and "Become a SS and you will get 2 new outfits. OH BY THE WAY SUPERSTAR ONLY". It's relly just making us non-Superstars feel bad for ourselves. I mean, I think that most things on Stardoll should be fore everyone right? I get the point that they need money to keep the site going and such......but it's to the point when almost every day I'm getting stuff in my mailbox "Bcome Superstar and get ____" blah blah blah. Thanks for listening, what do YOU think?


Alice + Olivia tribute

Heeeyyy y'all
It,, is ,, Emmnem,, here,

Sooo you all got a message on stardoll.. the alice + olivia tribute
But because the has to be a minor chace that stardoll slipped up or gliched,.,,
I thought you should know anyways.

Take a look:

Sorry 'bout the big EMMANDLIZZS-STARDOLLGURU.BLOGSPOT.COM think but I don't want to be copied again,,,


Fame, fashion and Friends,

Emmnem, Emm, Writer and Co-owner

Free Football Bag & Clutch!

If you live in the UK or USA click HERE to get it. If you are not from either one of those countries you will need to use a proxy site. Go to a US proxy site like.. or

Paste this in the proxy bar:

Press enter or OK and log into your Stardoll account. I suggest not to tick the "Remember me" box.

When you have logged in, you will need to change the link in the proxy bar to:

Press enter again and wait till the page loads. You can then close the proxy site and the bags will be in your suite!

Have fun!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

New writer!

Welcome to Emmandlizzs-stardollguru!

We have some news! We have 2 new writers!

1) Kelly
2) Greta

Kelly has been a writer for about ... 1 or 2 weeks now and Greta is our newest member of ELSDG!
Congrats! Elsdg is a great place and you will make it better ;)

About Greta:

Gender: Female
Age: 14 on July 6th 2011
Grade: Yr 10 (That's probably grade 8 in America and Canada)

Fave number: 9
Fave colour: Blue

Interesting fact:
She lives in the UK!

For more on your ELSDG team visit the tab : ELSDG team / Contact us! Greta's facts have not been posted yet , but as for Emm, Lizz and Kelly .. theirs have been. Visit Greta on sd!
Username: x-Rainbowz

Have a great day!
---Elsdg team >3

Mano-moon and dolly-my have been deactivated

Mano moon and dolly-my.. (sisters)
Have both been deactivated..
Have a look:


Good news though..
Mano-moon has a new account :)



You can tell it's real by the designs, the flag and the age..

Weird name..
But it's for the best..
She is a Superstar again..
On her prez it says:

بنااات dolly-my اختي

What it means:
Sweet and each dolly-my sister

So all the people accusing dolly-my were rong..
I was right..
Just saying..

Here is a picture of her new account:

The hacker was indeed

who the name in blue was on her presentation..



Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mano-moon update

This is sooo sooo very sad.
I just went to her suite again today... and they are selling MORE of her clothes
(They are all reserved) For around 2 stardollars each..
I wouldn't buy those items if I were you guys..
You're just supporting the hacker..

Heres some pictures..

Her Starbazzar and all her lovely clothes going away...

If you remember...
It didn't usto say LOL,
It was

So the hacker thinks it's funny and meanwhile the owner of mano-moon is probably cring her eyes out..

Shes gonna have to make a new account..

Join the club:

Oh yeah and 1 other thing..

Sorry for the HUGE elsdg letters and crap..
but well,
I kinda had to because some girl copied my pictures on the mano-moon issue and put it on her blog.
I knew that I should have put the ELSDG on the other pics but I didn't and it happened..

Her blog is called

That was the page that I saw it on but please YELL AT HER!
She told me that she deleted them , and she did, but then she put it back on. I hate people like that.
So go right now, report her on Stardoll, yell at her, and stuff like that ;P

I also found another sneaking blog called:

And she copyed my pics too!

That's the link, again, report her, yell at her.
But i'm just thankful that they're just crappy little blogs, with 0 followers / 1 follower (themselves)

No body has read they'res, because by far, ELSDG is the BESSSTT !

Right? Am I right? Yeah, im right!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Mano-moon... HACKED?

Okay so I go to Mano-moons suite right? Because her medoll is FRICKIN' AMAZIN'' and Uhh I see THIS:

This looks NOTHING like the regular Mano-moon I KNOW...
Her medoll is usally PALE WHITE not black.. (Not being racist because I love everybody..) and she DOESN'T HAVE BIG HUGE UGLY BOOBS..

Here's some pic's of her OLD medoll like, 2 days ago
They were on her prez..

That would be prrreeettty sad if Mano-moon did get hacked 'cause like... her medoll is like almost the MOST AMAZING medoll on sd..

Okay and I allllsso found something REALLY weird..
Have a look:

For how much? You ask?
You're probably thinking like 10000 Stardollars right? Well.. NO.

The price is...

That's right.. a FRICKING 2 STARCOINS!
And it's reserved...
For WHO?
Well it's for

Search her up on sd..
I have suspisions about her because .. her doll's really ugly and yeah..
And maybe Mano-moon will post if she knows who did it on her prez.
But when she finds out I bet shes going to be DEVESTATED because I mean.. if I won a trophy.. I wouldn't want to sell it.. and expecialy to a FREAK who already has a fricking national cg trophy ALREADY.

OKAY. Lets.. umm rap this upp..
And I think she might have gotten hacked too..
Yeah okay lets end this I don't really wanna get all agitated before I go to bed and yeahh
Ill stop myself there...

I ♥♥♥ yous!

Makeup Look-a-Likes

Okayyyy, so, I'm going to start something like look alikes I guess, but just with makeup. It's wayyyyy easier!!! So today for my look-a-like I will be doing..........DIANA AGRON! You may also know her as Quinn Fabray from Glee, so this is for all you Gleeks out there!!(in including moi!). I know the hair colour isnt EXACT, but I couldnt get another one close enough!!!

Vanilla. Kels

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Join the club!

Yeah you.
It's me, Emm.

We know you love us... so prove it!
If you
A) Read our blog (Derr, you're doing that now)
B) Follow our blog
C) Write for our blog


Join the club!
It's emmandlizzs-SDG
I mean what else...

Fame, fashion and friends,

New stardoll newsletter by email!

New Stardoll email message.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's Emm
Yeah I know.
Usually not likely for me to be posting twice in one day or hardly at all..
But I'm excited!

After searching for the right doll for 25 minutes, I finally found her
summer-muffin is her name.
Lady Gaga is her game.
Have a look for yourself:



In't she amazing? Check out her suite! And her Albums and I would recomend her Sceneries but they won't load on my computer... :) I mean :( because of the Scenery thing.. but still :)

Hope you enjoyed my post!
Fame, fashion and friends,
Emm ♥

Rules the catwalk.. June 22, 2011

Heeeyyy y'all

It's Emm here

Since Lizz takes all the GOOD topics..

I guess I'm stuck with "Rules the catwalk" and "Covergirl".


TODAY'S winner is...


Congrats girl!

Here she is:

I like her picture in the catwalk better.

Your opinions?

I love looking at the front page to see what's going on. I encourage you to do that!

Either that or..

Y'know check out our blog more.. :P

Wishing you all fame fashion and friends,


Last chance / Penthouse / Film theory

There are some new messages in my Stardoll inbox.
Check them ouuuut!

Film theory? Cool!

 New Penthouse upgrades? It says at the end... If you already have Penthouse suites that they'll upgrade them too! No charge!

Last chance for Beach Villa ... only 199 sds. Get yours now!

Enjoy those items!

Friday, June 17, 2011

111,111,111 members on sd!

Ohh haai guys,
so today.. theres FREE GIFTS on Stardoll! Right in Starplaza!!

Okay so this is the message Stardoll sent out

And this is the ad on the main page scroll thru thing..

Okay now over here... this is where I fist saw it.. I circled the one..

Right here.. all the things circled you can buy for free...

1: The dress
2: The necklace
3: The table
4: The lamp
5: All three balloons
6: The badge thingie..
7: The triangular flags!

 Everything you see RIGHT HERE in this picture gets sent to your suite.. (for free of course)
Except the green dress sorry.. (It's still free it just doesn't get delivered to your suite that's all..)

 The dress doesn't actually look THAT bad...

That's all thanks guys!
Hope you had funn on this freebie day !!


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hey guys . Lizz here. Sorry for the Ugggllyness of our blog riight now. . .

Good news: We're getting a new banner!! (Not made my me.. made by a pro xD)

Bad news: IDK HOW TO UPLOAD CRAP TO THIS BLOG!! (I want a new thing that says Welcome to emmandlizzs-stardollgruru and everything and I already have it made but my computers being fd soo... yeah it's not letting me at the MOMENT..)

So yeah . Hope you guys didn't get tooo tooo ... discusted by the new loooks.
Anyways.. Please enjoy a pic of my kitttie kattio.

Lizz blog owner

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Covergirls: June 15th, 2011

Hey y'all!

It's Emm here.

Sorry I haven't been posting for a while, I get kicked off the computer alot. :(


I've decided to write about today's covergirls!

They are... -Pop_Tart- and FuzzlexBerry! Congrats you 2!

Send them a message or or GB them a congrats!!

I was checking out -Pop_Tart-'s suite.

She really changed her style after she won. Have a look:

Different, eh? In my opinion, I liked the first one. What do you think?

While looking at her suite, you learn a couple things about her...

She L-O-V-E-S shoes.
She owns some cute clothes

She is/used to be Superstar. She has all her rooms. OR she was a member when Stardoll used to give away free rooms. Either way ...

SHE is awesome at interior designing.

Anddd.. while looking at her Sceneries and Album, you learn that:

She's better at her suite!

Now for FuzzlexBerry!

Unlike -Pop_Tart-, she seems to have kept her style:
When looking at her suite, I noticed that she has the beach villa. It really looks good the way she decorated it. While some of her other rooms are well.. Scary. Yep they are downright creepy.
She does have all her rooms.
She has a Christmas themed room. I think it's cute,, but wayyy out of season.
She doesn't seem to use a closet *eye roll* they give you one for a reason man!

Checking out her album? I love it.
Her Sceneries? Umm, okay?

I really like the way these two showcased their talents. WAY TO GO!

Love you all,
hugs and kisses,
Emm ♥

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More rooms? NO WAY! + Stardoll newsletter


Superstar's can get 2 rooms for 99 Stardollars and OMG Non-Superstars can get 1 FREE ROOM!!
Just click on the link in the message they sent you!!

Then after you click that it shouuuld take you to your suite...  (More likely the one that you just got..)

That's exciting news for people like my friend Sara_18_123 who already have 4 SUITES (She's been a member since 2008) and by now will have 5... but anyways it's good that Stardoll is giving away... SOME free things... anyways...


I got this message by email from Stardoll. Just a lil' heads up what's goiinn' onn.

-New suites!!
-Last chance for the Summer pass (Sorry I didn't get to posting about that..)
-VERSUS Versace tribute.. Limited time only... so better hurry..

P.S Some of you may be wondering..
A) Where's Emm? And / or
B) When is that new writer Kels interview going to be posted?

A) Idk where Emm is.. I guess she's just been busy and all.. either that or she FORGOT about our blog.. (Noooot likely because I reminded her like, yesterday...)
B) Kelsey's (Kels) interview will be posted before FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH 2011

Keep tuned to hear about Kels and see/read more of her posts!!

Blog owner

Nicki Minaj

Hey guys today i'm doing a Nicki Minaj look-a-like and well, I want YOU to comment and tell me if you like it :)
Here they are...
& sorry to younger viewers.. with all the cleavage.. you know.. its just Nicki with her fake boobs & butt.. -.-

1st Picture: Stardoll Sea look
2nd Picture: Nicki Minaj Sea look 3
rd Picture: Stardoll Hip-Hop dancer look
4th Picture: Nicki Minaj Hip-Hop dancer look
I hope you like (:
They do kinda look similar.. don't you think?
-Elsdg Owner-

Exchange day .. 2? And mistakes..

Exchange day returns for Superstars only!
10 SCs = 1 SDs

There's 2? Why?

And also it say OU can only .. blah blah..
Note that OU really = YOU

Have fun Exchanging..!!
Blog owner

P.S Kel's interview on ELSDG will be coming up soon!
Stay tuned for futher info.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hi! My name is...

HI everyone!
I just want to thank everyone that has started following this blog! My two friends Emm and Lizz really appreciate it and so do I! I will be interviewd by one of the two spontaneous owners soon, so wait until then to learn more about me! For now I will give you my Stardoll name:


Please if you want to say "hi" don't make it rude ^_^
(not cool people..)
Anyways, I will be posting more soon after my interview so wait until then! Bye Stardollies!

(It's my new name for on the web. Or just a new thing I like to call myself as a joke..)

_Vanilla.Kels. Copyright_

P.S, The copyright thing is also a joke. Aren't I just HILARIOUS?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stardoll starpoints hair

Have you ever wondered..
'I wonder what / when my next Starpoint hairstyle is going to be?'
Well now you have your answer,
I found this picture on :) No I didn't make it,, (even though, most of the pictures you see here on Emmandlizzs-stardollguru we made) But yeah.. this time I didn't.

So I don't just wanna take all the cred's to ourself... sooo
THANK YOU STARPOINTS_LIST !! Made by: shahi_reeves (<<Stardoll username)

Here it is!

Hope that helped
Lizz Blog owner