Wednesday, October 19, 2011

SS!!!! Its a possibility..

Ok, so my mom kinda said that maybe I could be SS for a month(which would be okay...) Or 6 months(HE|| YEAH!) Cos when my mum says "Maybe..." she usually means yes...Anyways, I was wondering what you guys think, about me completely changing my MeDoll and suite! Like I'm thinking about changing EVERYTHING! Like/Comment on this post if you want me to change my MeDoll+Suite, and please Dislike/Comment on this post if you think there should me no change(or just very little change) :] I really need your input....please help mehh XD

Now....back to my homework :(

1 comment:

Lizz said...

Yup its a possiblity for me too, my mom said that if I moniter my computer time better, (Aka not spending 2 hours on it at once) then maybe by Christmas i'll have a 6 months membership!