Thursday, October 6, 2011

identiTee old / Riviera sale

Hi! It's Emm,
Today I will be posing about
identiTee and Riviera! I'll start with identiTee.

Soo.. if you haven't noticed, identiTee hasn't had a new collection since like forever, which really annoys me because they have cute t-shirts for super cheap. Take a look:

20 starcoins for stuff? That's cheaper than people put in their Star Bazaar for a t-shirt! Eugh.

identiTee... COME BACK!

In other news, Riviera is having a 25 percent off sale! Here's a picture:

There are some nice things for sale, even for non-ss if you like accessories.

Thanks for reading! Got any questions? Comment!

All for now,

Fame, Fashion and Friends,


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