Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pick of the Week: Valentines' Make-up from Dot

Hi guys it's Emm, This is the Pick of the day for yesterday, Tuesday, January 24, 2012. Anyways, here;s a pic:

I find this collection.. interesting., I, myself am not a fan of it, but that;s not for me to judge,, it's for you to judge! Comment below!! Here;s a quick 'makeover' with this stuff,, personally, I think it makes me look like a clown.. Here it is:

Yeah,, that violet eyeliner sort of makes me look like I have a black eye, and I can;t say that I'm a fan of the mascara, , or the eyebrow colours.. or the lip liner or.. well, you catch my drift. I'm not a fan. Anyways, my rating out of 5 with this is 1 and a half,,, creativity points,, and my verdict is: That I think they should release something like the around Halloween,, in some recent thoughts, I think it would sell better. But that's just me!

Thanks for reading!! Got any comments or questions? Leave them below!

Love always, Emm♥♥♥♥

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