Hey buddies.
It's Emmmmm
Since y'all prob'ly know,
It's summer! (Cheers, balloons, fireworks, smiles, cartwheels and all that other load of everything summery)
Which means,,,
That most of us are going to be outside, going to our lakes, taking vacations and going to camp.
In my case I'm taking at least 3 out of 4 of those things.
Tomorrow I leave for camp for 2 weeks then I go out to my lake for another 2 weeks..
Therefore, I won't be posting.
I mean.. If I seem to get the chance, then yes. Obvi.
Also Lizz will be away for a while too donc (donc is french for so),
This blog may get a little inactive for a while.
Not to worry mes amies,
We'll post when we can and do whatever we can to make sure that this blog doesn't get inactive!
Never fear ELSDG is here.. I mean we WILL be here. Soon enough.
Be sure to look out for new posts from Greta and Vanilla.Kels!
Fame, Fashion and Friends,