Saturday, May 12, 2012

My life...

It's Lizz ! Heey :p
So the days that im busy with stuff..
is obvs not the weekend... although sometimes I am..
But Tuesday and Friday I will defitionaly not be able to check ELSDG / Post because heres what I do:

Tuesday & Fridays:
Get home from school (330)
Have 1/2 an hour to get ready for gymnastics.. (4/430)
Leave for gymnastics.. (430-730/5-8) (Depends what days I go)
Get home from gymanstics (8 / 830)
Make my lunch... (Only on Tuesday ahah)
Go to bed.

My dad is ALWAYS home with my cat :)
There is always somebody in our house.. me,mydadormymom.
So im not THAT busy.. but those are the days where it's like WOAH no computer today~!

Just letting you guys know that I cannoottt post at all / check this blog on T&F. Succks I know, i'm sorry. At least i'm doing a better job then *someone* coughcough........


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